Divorce certificate translation


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Divorce certificate translation details

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Available in any language combination
  • By court-sworn translators
  • Recognized by all government authorities and offices
  • Optionally with certification
  • Express delivery possible within 48h
  • Digital copy possible in advance

Certified translation of your divorce certificate into any language you want!

Do you want to remarry at home or abroad, change your name or need to prove that you have been divorced for another reason? We can help you with the translation.

Who is requesting the document?

  • Local Court
  • County Court
  • District Court
  • Family Court

What is the document needed for?

  • Marriage at home and abroad
  • Change of name
  • Divorce decree

Do you need a translation of your divorce certificate? You can rely on our sworn translators to carry out the translation of your proof of dissolution of marriage in a professional manner and to ensure through certification that your divorce certificate is recognised by all authorities and government agencies.

Use the easy-to-book lingoking translation service for your divorce certificate. You can choose whether the specialist or certified translation is the right choice for you.

Order your translation uncomplicated in just 3 steps. You can download your finished translation from our platform after a few days. You will receive your finished, certified translation by post within a few days.