Handbook Translation


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Handbook translation details

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Available in any language combination
  • By native specialist translators with industry expertise
  • Express shipping possible within 48h
  • Optionally with proofreading by a second native specialist translator

Translation of your operating manual into any desired language!

Offering operating manuals and handbooks in the language of your target market is a legal requirement. Strengthen your international business with professional handbook translations by native specialist translators. This offers you legal protection and makes your customers happy — a win-win for both sides!

Who is requesting the document?

  • Customers
  • Partners
  • Trade
  • Storage
  • Assembly
  • Transport
  • Installation

What is the document needed for?

  • Product description
  • Functional description
  • Transport information
  • Storage
  • Assembly
  • Installation
  • Commissioning
  • Configuration
  • Operation
  • Maintenance
  • Care
  • Troubleshooting
  • Disposal
  • Technical data

There are many ways to present important information. However, the operating manual is essential to provide customers with assistance on a product or service. Therefore, put the translation of your handbook in the right hands.al Only use professional specialist translators who have extensive experience in your industry. lingoking only works with professionally trained, native translators to provide you with the best service for your technical documents.

lingoking offers you the professional translation of your technical documents into any desired language — with or without proofreading. Order your translation easily online in just a few clicks.

Note:Billing is based on the number of pages. The term “page number” refers to Word or PDF documents. We assume a length of up to 350 words per page. If you have more complex requirements, please contact our Pro Team with your individual wishes.

Order your translation uncomplicated in just 3 steps. You can download your translated handbook via our platform after completion.